Friday 8 August 2008

Discussion boards

I've set up a discussion board at Ning. They provide some nice features, with a discussion board, you can post videos, pics, customize the layout. It's free to use so go get an account and start letting us know what you want from the NewsJack service, Highlight your latest sequences and clips, talk to other Newsjack and Ning members.

Theres a nice short animated film thats been put to a recording secretly taken of John Lennon talking openly and answering some questions. It was on the BBC here in the UK. maybe youll find something there. Actually the details of the film the title is "I Met The Walrus" by Canadian artist Josh Raskin, nominated for an Academy Award for Best Animated Short 2008. Go check it.

We like our culture, and we like our animation here at NewsJack:) Its not all war in the news you know.



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